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Habema Bersama Masyarakat Kibarkan Merah Putih di Rumah-rumah Warga Kago

Sabtu, 10 Agustus 2024, 07.25.00 WIB Last Updated 2024-08-10T22:22:54Z

QN.co, Ilaga Puncak, PenKoopsTNI – Satuan Tugas Batalyon Infanteri (Satgas Yonif) Raider 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad, salah satu Satuan Jajaran Komando Operasi (KOOPS) HABEMA di Papua, tengah melaksanakan tugas Operasi Pengamanan Perbatasan Mobil RI-PNG, di wilayah Kabupaten Puncak, Provinsi Papua Tengah. Pada hari Kamis, 8 Agustus 2024, Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad, khususnya Pos Koper pimpinan Lettu Inf Anggun, bersama-sama dengan masyarakat Kampung Kago, Distrik Ilaga, mengibarkan Bendera Merah Putih di depan rumah-rumah warga.

Dalam penekanannya kepada para Prajurit TNI, Komandan Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad, Letkol Inf Tri Wiratno, menyampaikan pentingnya perhatian Satgas kepada kebutuhan masyarakat di sekitar Pos. Oleh sebab itu, sejak penugasannya di Papua, Pos Koper telah melakukan Komunikasi Sosial (Komsos) dengan berbagai pihak di wilayah tanggung jawabnya guna menindaklanjuti penekanan tersebut. Melalui Komsos tersebut, Lettu Inf Anggun bersama para Tokoh Masyarakat Kampung Kago sepakat melakukan pengibaran Bendera Merah Putih di depan rumah-rumah warga pada hari Kamis (8/8).

Penyiapan tiang-tiang bendera beserta Bendera Merah Putih telah dilakukan oleh para warga dengan bantuan para Prajurit Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad. Dengan antusias, para warga bersama para Prajurit TNI melakukan penyiapan serta pelaksanaan pemasangan Bendera Merah Putih. Usai kegiatan, Bapak Thomas Uamang, berkata "Terima kasih Komandan 323, Bendera Merah Putih sudah berkibar. Hidup Indonesia“.

“Inisiatif Satgas Yonif 323 Kostrad menyelenggarakan pengibaran Merah Putih bersama masyarakat Kampung Kago, merupakan realisasi Komsos inklusif TNI dengan stakeholder wilayah, dalam rangka mendukung percepatan pembangunan di wilayah Papua”, ungkap Panglima HABEMA, Brigjen TNI Lucky Avianto, pasca menerima laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan.


Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho


Ilaga Puncak, PenKoopsTNI – The Task Forces of the Raider Infantry Battalion 323/Buaya Putih Kostrad, one of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command (KOOPS TNI) HABEMA in Papua, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in the Puncak Regency area, Papua Tengah Province. On Thursday, 8 August 2024, the 323 Task Forces, especially the Koper Post led by First Lieutenant Anggun, and the Kago Village, Ilaga District community, raised the Indonesian Flags in front of residents' houses.

His emphasis on the Soldiers, the Commander of the 323 Task Force, Lieutenant Colonel Tri Wiratno, conveyed the importance of the Task Forces’ attention to the needs of the community around the Post. Therefore, since its assignment in Papua, the Koper Post has conducted Social Communication (Komsos) with various parties to follow up on the emphasis. Through the Komsos, 1LT Anggun, with Community Leaders of the Kago Village, agreed to raise the Indonesian Flags in front of the residents' houses on Thursday (8/8).

The residents, with the assistance of the Soldiers, prepared the flagpoles and the Indonesian Flags. With enthusiasm, the residents, together with the Soldiers, prepared and implemented the installation of the Indonesian Flags. After the activity, Mr. Thomas Uamang said, "Thank you, Commander 323. The Indonesian Flags have been raised. Long live Indonesia."

"The initiative of the 323 Task Forces to raise the Indonesian Flags with the Kago Village community implements inclusive Komsos between TNI and regional stakeholders to support the acceleration of development in the Papua region," said HABEMA Commanding General Brigadier General Lucky Avianto upon receiving the program report.


Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Letkol Arh Yogi Nugroho

