Queennews.co / TNI / HABEMA / PAPUA / Kamis 7 November 2024 - Warga Dukung Habema Amankan Wilayah Kokamu
Dekai Yahukimo, MediaHabema – Satuan Tugas Batalyon Infanteri (Satgas Yonif) 6 Marinir, bagian dari Komando Operasi HABEMA di Papua, secara aktif melaksanakan tugas Operasi Pengamanan Perbatasan Mobil RI-PNG, khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Yahukimo, Provinsi Papua Pegunungan. Pada hari Kamis, 7 November 2024, Tim Patroli Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir, khususnya Pos Bravo pimpinan Letda Mar Alter, menggelar kegiatan pengamanan wilayah Distrik Dekai, khususnya Kampung Kokamu. Kegiatan pengamanan wilayah ini mendapatkan dukungan warga setempat, sehingga seluruh rangkaian kegiatan pengamanan berjalan dengan lancar.
Dalam penekanannya kepada para Prajurit TNI, Komandan Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir, Letkol Mar Rismanto Manurung, menyampaikan untuk fokus dalam setiap usaha mewujudkan situasi Papua yang aman dan damai. Oleh karenanya, hari Kamis tersebut, para Prajurit TNI merencanakan materi kegiatan pengamanan wilayah dengan pemeriksaan kendaraan yang keluar masuk Kampung Kokamu. Dalam rangka sinergitas TNI dengan stakeholder setempat, maka Komandan Pos Bravo memanfaatkan waktu pelaksanaan pengamanan wilayah dengan mengajak para Tokoh Masyarakat setempat ikut serta dalam kegiatan pengamanan tersebut.
Itikad baik yang ditunjukkan oleh para Prajurit TNI disambut antusias warga yang dikoordinir oleh Tokoh Masyarakat setempat atas nama Bapak Lukas Tabuni. Sinergitas masyarakat dengan TNI dalam pengamanan wilayah ini dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan terhadap setiap kendaraan yang keluar masuk Kampung Kokamu. “Kami senang TNI kerjasama dengan rakyat mengamankan wilayah Distrik Dekai. Papua aman,“ ucap Bapak Lukas di akhir kegiatan.
“Inisiatif Satgas Yonif 6 Marinir melibatkan masyarakat dalam kegiatan pengamanan wilayah Distrik Dekai, merupakan wujud implementasi tugas TNI memberikan dukungan pengamanan, sebagai upaya mempercepat pembangunan Papua”, ungkap Panglima HABEMA, Brigjen TNI Lucky Avianto, pasca menerima laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan.
Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho
Dekai Yahukimo, MediaHabema – One of the military units under the command of the Indonesian Armed Forces Operational Command HABEMA, the Task Forces of the Infantry Battalion 6 Marines, is currently conducting mobile security at the border of Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, especially in the Yahukimo Regency area, Papua Pegunungan Province. On Thursday, 7 November 2024, a Patrol Team of the Marines Task Forces, especially the Bravo Post led by Second Lieutenant Alter, held the areal security of the Dekai District, especially the Kokamu Village. Local people supported this activity, and the whole process ran well. This initiative was made possible by the support of the local people, whose involvement was crucial for the operation's success.
It's not just the Soldiers who are involved in this initiative. The community plays a crucial role as well. In his emphasis on the Soldiers, the Commander of the Marines Task Forces, Lieutenant Colonel Rismanto Manurung, conveyed the importance of the Task Forces' attention to stay focused on every effort to create a safe and peaceful situation in Papua. Therefore, on Thursday morning, the Soldiers planned an area security activity by checking vehicles entering and exiting the village. In the context of synergy between the TNI and local stakeholders, the Post Leader took advantage of the time to conduct area security by inviting local community figures to participate.
Eventually, the program was enthusiastically welcomed by the residents and coordinated by a local community leader, Mr. Lukas Tabuni. The synergy between the community and the TNI Task Forces in securing this area is carried out by checking every vehicle entering and exiting the village. "We are happy that the TNI collaborates with the people to secure the Dekai area. The improved security situation after the activity has reassured us that Papua is safe," said Mr. Lukas, expressing his satisfaction.
Upon receiving the activity report, the HABEMA Commanding General, Brigadier General Lucky Avianto, commended the Marines Task Forces’ initiative to successfully involve the synergy of residents in conducting area security activities in the Dekai District. His words: "The Marines Task Forces' initiative is a testament to TNI's commitment to provide security support as an effort to accelerate development in the Papua region." This recognition from the highest authority in HABEMA is not just a commendation but a testament to the significant impact of such initiatives on the region's development. It instills profound hope and optimism about their potential to shape the region's future positively. It makes the Task Forces and the community feel recognized, valued, and respected for their efforts. It gives everyone a sense of hope and optimism about the region's future development.
Dansatgas Media HABEMA, Kolonel Arh Yogi Nugroho